tahaffuz e bunyad e islam bill

Sunan Abu Dawud 4646: Hazrat Ali(AS)

Sunan Abu Dawud 4646: Narrated Safinah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The Caliphate of Prophecy will last thirty years; then Allah…

4 years ago

Sahih Bukhari 6318: Fatima(AS)

Sahih Bukhari 6318: Narrated `Ali: Fatima(عَلَيْهِمَا السَّلاَمُ) complained about the blisters on her hand because of using a mill-stone. She…

4 years ago

Sahih Bukhari 3748: Husain(AS: علیہ سلام)

Sahih Bukhari 3748: Narrated Muhammad: Anas bin Malik said, "The head of Al-Husain(AS: علیہ سلام) was brought to 'Ubaidullah bin…

4 years ago

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